Today was my Day One into the new course of the weight-loss journey, and it was tough. For starters, I woke up really late, so I wasn't able to do my morning walk and jog. My brother told me that a neighbor who also goes to Colinas Verdes every morning told him that Colinas Verdes already has a scheduled time when they opened the gates (possibly at 8am), so this neighbor of ours is now walking around our own neighborhood. Hmmm... that's something so sad to know because it was the distance that allowed me to walk for more than 5kms whenever I go to Colinas Verdes, and it just wouldn't be the same if I decide to walk around here because there would be a lot of stray dogs. I have to think of a better way to address this issue, but tomorrow, I might go ahead and walk to Colinas Verdes just to know the recent changes and make adjustments from there.
Okay, today's tortures. I was able to buy a new copy of Hip Hop Abs yesterday, but when I was ready to pop the DVD, I realized there were three sacks (50kg each) of rice in our living room. I didn't want to bother my brother, so I dragged each of the sacks to the storage area. Very heavy, but I almost laughed at myself after I finished the chore. Also, I think I have wasted way too much time that when I started exercising today - doing Hip Hop Abs and the 8 Minute Arms (which was part of my weight loss program since then), I just had a difficult time finishing it. Somewhere in the middle of doing Hip Hop Abs, my throat would dry up and I felt as if I might throw up (reminds me of every Biggest Loser first episode). Well, I was able to pull through, so all was good.
One great thing from today's exercises... brother was so kind to give me some pointers. While doing the 8 minute arms exercises, I started complaining that it was straining my muscles and instead of making fun at me, he did tell some things that helped making it easier. He used to go to the nearby gym and learned things from the gym's trainer, and he was just passing the knowledge to me. :) My triceps did feel heavy after the whole routine, but it wasn't as painful as my legs felt last weekend, so adjusting to this would be easier.
Checking my drawer, I saw two of my supplements expiring soon. I bought the Caltrate Plus last year while the RedoXfat supplement was given by my cousin Marge. I didn't want to use it at first as I wanted to go au naturelle with the weight loss program, but since it's expiring soon and there were a lot of food products with L-Carnitine and Green Tea extract, I don't think there will be problems using this one. There are only 30 capsules in the box, and I don't plan of buying a new one, so allow me to use this. Myra-E is something my sister asked me to use because she said it made her skin look fairer. Hmmm....
Anyway, sister told me Vitamin E is enhanced when taken with Vitamin C, and because I drink lemon laden water and I am starting to eat fruits now, I think both goes well together. I also read in a research that Calcium requires Vitamin D to be released in the body, so all I have to do is do my morning walk and jog outside - because morning sunshine allows our bodies to naturally produce Vitamin D.
Today's diet was good, but it was sort of bad as well. Breakfast, I had Fitnesse Cereal with chopped apples (1/2 of an apple), for lunch I had rice mixed with vegetables and fried tofu. Dinner wasn't so good - I ate a big chunk of pork (nilaga) with 1 cup of rice with potatoes and cabbages. Carbs overload for dinner, ouch!
Tomorrow should be better. I guess Mondays til Wednesdays will be a big adjustment period, but by Thursday, I should be well adjusted already.
PS - This might be TMI, but I just find it weird and scary that I am bleeding again. It was just January 17 when I had my period (lasted 7 days) and now I am having it again. Flow isn't that heavy, but I guess moving as much as I am now jiggled the internals. :)
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